Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Fifth of May

Oke sekarang hari sabtu, tepatnya tanggal lima bulan lima, halooo 5 Mei nih! *apasih-___-
Hari ini adek gue udah resmi beranjak keusia yang lebih lanjut, 8 tahun. Rizka Putri Maharani :)

Ini rizka 8 tahun terakhir :

Rizka 2 tahun
Rizka 3 tahun
Rizka 4 tahun
Rizka masuk TK
Rizka mau nari
Rizka 6 tahun
Rizka masa kini~
Rizka PM~

Jumat, 27 April 2012

HBD Raaa

*ngintip kalender* 27 April! Temen kelas gue ada yang nambah tua ternyata. Namanya tyara, bisa dipanggil mbara. Dia member the muslimah~ dan dia juga personil 3B. Apa itu 3B? Beda sama 3C yang artinya Cantik, Cerdas, Ceria. 3B singkatan dari Bodoh, Busuk, Basi :) Tyara jadi si Busuk. Nah berhubung hari ini libur, gue ngucapinnya lewat blog yeee :)

This is She!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012


Guys! Sekarang udah tanggal 22 Maret, tepatnya satu bulan sebelum UN diadakan, ahahahah lucu ya? asik ya? keren ya? *penting ya* Bentar lagi udah mau lulus, terus sibuk daftar SMA, terus masuk SMA, jadi junior lagi.__. Cepet banget yaaah. Kalo udah kayak gini jujur jadi kangen beuuudh sama masa masa belajar dikelas loh, khususnya kelas 9 iniii. Belajarnya emang capek sih, tapi asik suasananya =)
Jadi kangen banget sama pelajaran pa asep, kangen banget waktu dia ngucapin untiiiil-nya itu, kangen dengerin suara kerasnya pa a'i, kangen dimotivasi sama mr.heri, kangen dikacangin pa agus, kangen nguap-nguap pas pelajaran pa cecep, kangen dinasehatin miss tutun, kangen anatakara miss wiwin, kangen PG miss iif, kangen pelajaran pkn (terutama si dwi wisnu), kangen ptd, semuanya daaah =D Gatau kapan bisa ngerasain suasana kayak gitu lagi, belajar emang gak selamanya bikin bozzen ya hahaa
Tapi itu semua udah lewat kawan, tinggal sekarang jalanin sisa waktu yang ada *apaini* di smp buat fokus sama ujian. Gak mau kan kalo semua yang dikasih guru kalian itu gak ada hasilnya. Walaupun gak terlalu peduli, tapi pasti gak mau kan ngecewain mereka? Ini perasaan gue sok bijak amat yaak, tapi jujur gue lebih suka suasana pas belajar dikelas hahaa
This is 'bout me. How about you?

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Stress? Writing...

Many students, especially teenagers who easily get stress because of too many school works they got or their unstable habit, always confused them to fill their free day well. They tend to be focused on something that could make them free and happy, without thinking any risks they will be got. The simplest example is spending time with a lot of watching television. Some televisions show about the education but mostly of the programs are really doesn’t deserve to be watched for teenagers, such as electronic cinema that often displayed by  private television. In fact these programs can hinder brain power, the audience only focused on what they see without using their imagination to think further.
So, what’s better way for teenagers to spend their free time?
Free time can be used with lots of useful things, such as riding, hiking, travelling, camping. But, for someone who doesn't interested with outdoor activities, the simple one is writing. Everybody can express what they feel in writing. Besides that writing can stimulate the brain to the workings of the imagination. They will not only focus on one point of the story, but their imagination will take them far and further. This way is very useful for teenagers, because besides they can express their minds, they can also channel his hobby in the terms of journalism. Without wasting a chance they can be much better than if they are just watching television.

Writing eases my suffering. It's my soul's medicine. I write what I wanna write about. I write when I hurt. I write when I fear. Writing is my form of personal freedom. I write to save myself. I write to survive as an individual. - Amor Magno